Sunday 19 February 2017

Learn How to Give Your 100 Percent

When you want to achieve something big in your life, you need to prepare yourself. You need to do a lot of planning and hardwork. You already know this... Right ? ...Yeah, but as soon as you begin your preparations, someday you feel that you are unable to give your maximum to your work. Due to the repeating nature of your job, you get bored while working for your objective. At times , it becomes very difficult for you to focus on your work, so you start taking rest and then there is a high chance that it becomes your habit. After that you get confused whether you are really interested in your work.

Various motivational teachers say "If you want to become successful in your field, then you must focus on your work ". But the problem is you don't know how to focus. You search everywhere for mind concentration techniques on the internet but hardly that helps. At the end of the day, you still remain the same old person struggling with your daily job.

It is hard to believe but the truth is you already know how to focus but in disguise. You are just unaware of the very focussed avatar of yourself. Lets take an example, what happens when you are watching a movie in a cinema hall. Imagine yourself inside that hall. Do you think of your family problems while watching the movie ? No. Do you think of your bad grades in your exam ? No. Infact you are so much busy in the movie that you have no time for anything else other than the film. My question to you is why the hell are you so focussed ? Which power forces you to be lost in the movie. You know that it is a work of fiction but still you start weeping at some serious situations in the movie. This is only possible when you have subconsciously assumed that whatever you are being shown in the movie is real. You are not bothered whether it is possible in real life or not. You put all your logical reasoning aside and watch the movie with your heart. You become emotionally attached to the film story. 

So I think now, you have got the answer to this problem of Focussing. You need to develop an emotional attachment with your work. This attachment will make it impossible for you to get distracted. For example, our maximum attachment is to our own life. So whenever your life is in danger, you don't give a damn to anything else going on in the world. At that time, you don't care about what people are thinking, you don't care about your promotion, you don't care about your favourite TV show, you just don't care about anything else other than your Life. 

Whatever is your Goal. Whether it is becoming IAS or IES or anything else. When you are working for your Goal, Just develop an emotional attachment with it. Try to link it with your own survival or survival of your family. 

For example, I being from a middle class background, was fully aware of the daily hardships that I and my family faced. I remember, in summer how my mother went to market in scorching heat in a rickshaw and when came back home all sweating, there would be no AC to comfort her. I could have bought an AC but I had left my job. This scene pinched me from inside. 

This is just one example, there come many such moments in your life, when you are shaken awake by your inner voice. You must listen to that voice and then just see how your life changes. Nobody in this world will be able to stop you from doing what you want. Like this you will be able to give your 100% to your work. No obstacle will be able to stand between you and your Goal. You will become Unstoppable.

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