Saturday 8 August 2015

Attitude is a little thing that makes a Big Difference

We often take our life for granted. We keep complaining about the things we don’t have but seldom we pacify ourselves by thinking about the things we have. There are millions who can just think of living the life you are living at present. Let me explain this issue with a short incident of your own life.

Suppose you want to learn a new subject, you buy the best books available but you don’t have the access to a good teacher. You start reading the books half-heartedly and eventually end up losing the motivation because somewhere in your subconscious you know that you cannot simply do it without that special teacher.

Let’s take the road less travelled and think in a different way. I show you a boy of your age who belongs to a slum and now he also wants to learn that very subject. What options he has compared to you , sadly, almost none, because he doesn’t have money for anything, he is hardly able to meet even his two times meal. In this situation he can just have one thing and that is hope. In reality he has to move mountains even to get a book, leave alone the thought of best books. What if he somehow borrows the book from you for sometime , what will be his approach towards the book . Wouldn’t he read the book like a hungry person who has got food after months. His state of consciousness while reading the book would be maximum because he knows the book will not remain with him for long. He will just try to read it as many times as he could with full determination before the due date. In the process he would ask some questions to himself and would even answer few of them. At the time when he returns the book, unconsciously he has literally become a champion of the knowledge, the book could ever offer anyone.

Now you look at yourself, you have the best books with you. Given that you have understood the story of the slum boy, your newly formed attitude will make your affluence visible to you. Now you are ready to absorb the maximum from the book. You will give everything possible to this subject. Who knows, you become the master of this subject because you have not merely read the books but you have talked to the authors in your own ways. As such, may be the subject knowledge you possess today is something beyond anybody could ever have had, including that special teacher. This is all possible if we have the courage to change our way of thinking. It is our attitude that finally decides the kind of outcome we deserve.